Terms of service
I. Definitions
Terms and Conditions – all the rules included in this document, specifying the proper way of utilizing the Website.
Website – this WWW page that serves commercial and service provision-related purposes available under the following address: https://csgo-skins.com and is managed by the Administrator.
Administrator – V&X Limited, REID Number: GICO.120506-87, Address for correspondence: Registration address: E-mail: info@csgo-skins.com, Phone number: 242356645 - an entity responsible for Website maintenance and management.
User – every person vising the https://csgo-skins.com Website in order to take advantage of particular Services, for informational purposes, as well as for any other purposes connected with the functioning of the Website.
Item – a virtual resource that has its use only on the CSGO-Skins.com website. The item has no real physical form.
Service – based on providing the User with the Items purchased by him or her. Items are sent via the Steam platform to the Trade URL which has to be provided by the User on the Website beforehand.
II. General provisions
- By making a decision to take advantage of the Website, the User agrees to comply with all the provisions of those Terms and Conditions and claims that he or she accepts them.
- Payment-related services available on the Website are provided by the following companies: Zen, SimPay and Skinify. Using their services is equivalent to accepting all the Terms and Conditions specified in point 3.
- Detailed Terms and Conditions of payment-related services providers are available at:
- Zen: https://www.zen.com/files/terms-and-conditions/ecommerce_terms.pdf
- SimPay: https://simpay.pl/dokumenty/simpay_regulamin_uzytkownik_koncowy_01_03_15.pdf
- Skinify: https://skinify.io/terms
- Website is in no way connected with Valve Corporation, Counter Strike: Global Offensive, Steam, or any other Valve Corporation’s trademarks.
- User understands that the purchased Items and funds will not be refundable.
III. Characteristics of Users and the Service
- Service can be taken advantage of by adults allowed to use a mobile phone. Minors are not allowed to use the service regardless of any consent from their parents or legal supervisors.
- User willing to withdraw a particular Item has to top up $2 to his or her wallet by using available payment options beforehand.
- Service Provider and the Administrator cannot be held responsible for:
- Taking advantage of the payment-related services by individuals not allowed to use a mobile phone and by minors,
- All possible damages and losses caused by an improper use of the Service,
- Improper assessment of User’s financial capabilities or the failure to check current Steam prices within the Exchanger or while withdrawing an desired Item,
- Disruptions in Service provision, if they have been caused by force majeure being outside Service Provider’s/Administrator’s control.
- Actions taken by the Users resulting from: the failure to understand the character of the service, the failure to consult the up-to-date version of those Terms and Conditions, and/or the use of the Service in a way breaching the provisions of those Terms and Conditions.
- Breaks in User servicing caused by technical issues (e.g. configuration, updates, hardware replacement etc.) including those being outside Service Provider’s/Administrator’s control.
- Possible account ban on the Steam platform.
- While taking advantage of the Services provided by the Website, each and every User is solely responsible for breaching the provisions of those Terms and Conditions, including criminal and civil responsibility.
- The service retains the right to showcase details of significant wins and the winners for promotional purposes, without the necessity of obtaining the winners' explicit consent or the obligation to provide compensation.
- From time to time, we might introduce different events (e.g. Christmas or Halloween Event) and/or supplementary services on our website, each accompanied by exclusive credits earmarked for use only within those particular events and services. These credits may be granted as an extra token of appreciation for your involvement on our website and may be issued in various formats (such as currency, specific skins, and/or characters) at our sole discretion. Please be aware that these credits are distinct from the credits in your service wallet. The issuance of these credits does not create a supplementary service wallet, and we maintain the right to remove or restrict the use of these credits without any form of compensation.
- We reserve right to change user’s Promo Code at any given moment without notifying about it.
- Users might have their access to the daily free bonuses (e.g. Daily Case) limited if they fail to meet certain activity or non-abuse criteria, or in any other circumstances that we deem as abusive or not in compliance with these Terms.
- Using multiple Accounts in order to abuse daily free bonuses (e.g. Daily Cases) might result in a ban.
- Website User is not granted the right to claim compensation for costs incurred to add funds to the account on the Website.
IV. Price Fluctuations
- Prices of in-game skins (Items) within Cases and the Exchanger Tool may vary over time.
- Skin prices are influenced by various factors, including market demand, rarity, and community preferences.
V. No Price Guarantee
- We do not guarantee the stability or future value of any skin within Cases or in the Exchanger.
- Skin prices are determined in real-time, and they may change rapidly.
VI. Availability of Products
- We make every effort to ensure the availability of our products, but we cannot guarantee the availability of all Items at all times. Some Items may be temporarily or permanently unavailable. In case of constant issues with unavailable Items, we suggest using our Exchanger Tool to replace such Items. You can find the Exchanger Tool at the following address: https://csgo-skins.com/exchanger
- We do not guarantee the availability of any specific Item. Availability is subject to change without notice.
VII. Complaints
- All complaints and claims resulting from faulty Service provision should be send to the Support within seven days from the moment of fault occurrence.
- Complaints and claims sent after the specified deadline shall not be considered.
- Complaints can be sent to the Support by using the contact form visible in the lower right corner of the Website.
- Complaint consideration time is equal to 7 working days from the moment of Complaint reception.
- In special cases, the Website shall be given the right to prolong the complaint consideration period up to 30 working days after informing the User about such a necessity.
- After considering a Complaint to be valid, the User will be returned funds equal to the value of the placed order.
- User cannot request any form of compensation other than the one specified above, meaning that he or she shall not have the right to material or financial compensation.
- After considering a Complaint to be valid, the Administrator shall not be held responsible for damages and losses exceeding the value of the top-up.
VIII. Final provisions
- After User’s login to the Steam platform, the following data are sent to the Website: Steamid, avatar, and Steam nick. Logging in the Website is safe and is not connected with transferring such pieces of information as Steam login or password of the User to the Website.
- Administrator shall hold the right to the verification of User’s identity by requesting him or her to send him a copy of his or her ID via e-mail.
- Administrator shall hold the right to change those Terms and Conditions without informing about the reason of the said fact. Changes made in those Terms and Conditions enter into force at the moment of their publication on the Website.
- Those Terms and Conditions have been in place since 18.10.2023.
VI. Additional Terms and Conditions; EULAs
When you use UAB ZEN.COM (Lvivo g. 25-104, LT-09320, Vilnius, Lithuania, Registration number of the company 304749651, VAT ID LT100011714916) services provided by UAB ZEN.COM (hereinafter referred to as the "UAB ZEN.COM services provider") to make a purchase on our website, responsibility over your purchase will first be transferred to UAB ZEN.COM before it is delivered to you. UAB ZEN.COM services provider assumes primary responsibility, with our assistance, for payment and payment related customer support. The terms between UAB ZEN.COM services provider and customers who utilize services of UAB ZEN.COM are governed by separate agreements and are not subject to the Terms on this website.
With respect to customers making purchases through UAB ZEN.COM services provider checkout, (i) the Privacy Policy of UAB ZEN.COM services provider shall apply to all payments and should be reviewed before making any purchase, and (ii) the UAB ZEN.COM services provider Refund Policy shall apply to all payments unless notice is expressly provided by the relevant supplier to buyers in advance. In addition the purchase of certain products may also require shoppers to agree to one or more End-User License Agreements (or "EULAs") that may include additional terms set by the product supplier rather than by Us or UAB ZEN.COM services provider. You will be bound by any EULA that you agree to.
We and/or entities that sell products on our website by using UAB ZEN.COM services are primarily responsible for warranty, maintenance, technical or product support services for those Products. We and/or entities that sell products on our website are primarily responsible to users for any liabilities related to fulfillment of orders, and EULAs entered into by the End-User Customer. UAB ZEN.COM services provider is primarily responsible for facilitating your payment.
You are responsible for any fees, taxes or other costs associated with the purchase and delivery of your items resulting from charges imposed by your relationship with payment services providers or the duties and taxes imposed by your local customs officials or other regulatory body.
For customer service inquiries or disputes, You may contact us by email at info@csgo-skins.com.